This work would not be possible without the support and donations from this amazing collective. For information about how you can support Kings of The Yukon, see below.



Rob Sims
Di McArter
Matthew Fox
Chip Warren
Scott Kilgariff

How you can help

Make a Donation!

Donations of any size are a transformative part of this work.  We can accept tax-deductible donations, so consider us for your year-end giving.  We have promising relationships with several broadcasters and we're submitting applications for every grant under the sun, but that revenue won't be available to us until the second quarter of 2016.  Until then, we're self funded and rely on the participation of individuals and organizations that can support the work.

More information coming soon about our fiscal sponsor.

Be an Impact Partner

We are building a coalition of culinary partners to elevate Yukon Salmon as a premium quality designation with the highest levels of purity and sustainability.  By all forms of measure, it deserves a place alongside Copper River salmon in the consumer's mind.  We'll also be working on ways to make Yukon Salmon more widely available for consumers in the Lower 48.

If you are a star in your culinary world and are interested in being a part of this coalition, please drop us a line.  We are planning screening dinners, food-related media, and whatever you can dream up to help us make an impact.

Be a Connector

Do you know an organization we should be in touch with for either of the two points of participation to the left? Email us a name and number and why you think we should be  in touch and we'll give them a call.

Buy Yukon Salmon!

Regardless of your participation in the documentary project, if you enjoy salmon, you owe it to yourself to try some of the best salmon on the planet.  Every dollar you spend supports the Yupik Communities:

Buy Direct from Kwik'Pak!